What Are The Best Ways To Exterminate Bed Bugs?

Bed bug infestation is a real problem. Depending on the nature and level of infestation, one must take preventive measures to eliminate the problem. There are various insecticides available in the market that happens to be effective on this problem. However, one must not forget about the natural techniques that would help to deal with the problems of bed bugs efficiently.

Ways To Exterminate Bed Bugs

Look for these ways to exterminate bed bugs.

● Stripping The Bed

As you are affected by the problem of bed bugs, the first and foremost thing you need to do is to remove the bedding to isolate the bed. You need to strip down the bed linen into a double plastic bag. It would help to reduce the spreading immediately.
Once you finish this process, you have to wash the bedding for at least 30 minutes in hot water and use a high temperature to dry it. If you can use a vacuum cleaner, it would extract the remaining eggs and bed bugs. You have to dispose of the contents of your cleaner in sealed plastic bags as you finish vacuuming. To ensure maximum safety, you have to spray the bed frames with pesticides.

● Encasement

Calling a professional help from bed bugs extermination Ottawa can help you with the problem. However, using the encasement method to encase the mattress and the box spring in the fabric helps trap bugs and prevent their growth.

This method also helps to remove the hiding areas of the bugs while preventing the issue of infestation.

● Traps

The traps help isolate beds to intercept the bed bugs from hiding and attacking their host. Using sticky pads under the bed legs can scrape away the bugs. In addition to that, using the interceptor devices can help you in your endeavor. You can also make a DIY device to ease your problem.

● Applying Heat

Hot water laundering could be one of the effective ways to get rid of the bed bugs on fabrics. Putting the temperature above 45 degrees Celsius can kill the different stages of the bed bugs. This procedure also helps to stop the spread of an infestation.

● Cold Temperature

Cold temperatures can kill bed bugs. If you can keep the temperature as low as minus 18 degrees Celsius for four days, you will be able to kill the bugs and eggs.

A home freezer may not be suitable for killing the bugs as they are not cold enough. But if you turn off the heating system and leave your doors and windows open, it can help you get rid of the bed bugs effectively. However, taking the help of bed bugs extermination, in Ottawa professionals can also help you with your problems

● Using Chemicals

You can take the help of chemicals to get rid of bed bugs. But before you buy the product, make sure that the label mentions the word ‘bed bugs.’ You should also check whether the product is EPA registered or not.

You may find a variety of chemicals in the market that can help exterminate bed bugs. It becomes prudent to read out the instructions well before using the products. You can also take the help of biochemicals, neonicotinoids, insect growth regulators, and even pyrroles.

Apart from that, you need to follow the preventive measures, including:

● Intervene to the root of the problem.

● Check for the early signs, including small blood spots on the bed sheet or signs of bites on your body.

● Keep your home tidy and reduce the clutters

● Take the help of interceptor devices in order to isolate beds.

Call For Pest Control

A responsible and experienced best control professional can decrease the problem of bed bugs. Especially if you can choose a company with the best reputation, you can expect safe handling of pesticides.

Bottom line

Bed bugs measure only 5 mm across. They reproduce quickly and are tough and smart. The female can lay more than 500 eggs in her whole lifetime. It is no surprise that these bugs can cause oodles of trouble if they get into bed with you. Act responsibly before it is too late.