The Importance of Hiring a Professional Asbestos Removal Company

Every property owner likes to save a little money where they can, whether it’s in a residential, commercial or an industrial space. For many of us, that means DIY projects, which are a great way to save the labor costs of a project! However, there are some areas of repair and renovation that should just be left to the professionals, and one of those areas is asbestos removal. If you’re working in any areas where asbestos is a possible hazard, you should absolutely call in a professional asbestos removal company.

Health Risks

Asbestos is a fantastic insulator and heat resistor, and as such was very common in dozens of building products prior to the 1980s when its use was widely discontinued. The reason for the decline in its use is that it is also incredibly toxic when inhaled or ingested. As materials age, flake, grind, and otherwise wear down, fine particles containing asbestos can make their way into the air and then our bodies, causing many health problems.

If you suspect that your home or business have exposed asbestos, immediately limit any contact to that area of the building, especially to children. Call in an asbestos removal company right away as they’ll have the equipment to safely enter the space to determine the risks and your options.

Professional Testing and Identification

Asbestos was used practically everywhere in construction for years, in everything from drywall and cement to floor tiles and duct work. It was even used around boilers and fireplaces for heat resistance and in roof shingles for its insulating factor. This means that pretty much any building could have leftover asbestos products in their existing construction. And while the odds of asbestos being used in modern construction are much lower than in older buildings, it’s still not zero. Asbestos isn’t illegal to use, it’s just used much less often than previously. So if you’re not 100% sure where everything in your building came from, it’s worth your time to call an asbestos removal company for testing.

Certified asbestos removal companies will take samples from different areas and materials that they suspect to contain asbestos and lab test to analyze the extent of the risks. Too often construction projects, especially DIY-type work, will underestimate the hazard factor of cutting, sawing and sanding materials, completely unaware that they contain anything as toxic as asbestos.

Safe and Effective Removal and Disposal

Due to the hazardous nature of asbestos, proper PPE is required to operate in those areas and especially to handle the material itself. Professional asbestos removal companies will have a much better idea of how to best protect you and your family or employees in this area, as well as their own employees.

The hazard factor of asbestos also may require that products are disposed of off-site and with a process more involved than simply throwing it all in the dumpster out back. Hiring an asbestos removal company will ensure that they handle this step to safely destroy the toxic materials.

Consider as well that, in some cases, building owners may be partially or fully liable for the health concerns that asbestos from their building can cause! Bringing in a professional and following their direction will make sure that your tenants or employees stay safe and healthy!

Professional Workmanship and Services

Asbestos is one of those toxic materials that is just not worth the risk of messing around with. Thousands of people are diagnosed with asbestos-related health problems each year and they’re sadly hard to avoid if you come in contact with asbestos. Before you start any significant repair or a renovation, you should consider calling in an asbestos removal company and have them look around and test any risky areas or materials. Especially in older construction, asbestos could really be anywhere.

Hiring a professional will provide you with access to all their tools, experience and advice, as well as the peace of mind knowing that your construction site is safe and you can breathe easy, both figuratively and literally!